Heat pumps are expected play a major role in the decarbonisation of UK homes.
Hybrid heat pumps pave the way for a future of no gas, by providing a stepping stone in helping customers see the benefits of making the change, while still being able to have gas as a back-up.
The heat pumps can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%, while optimising customer experience, cost and comfort levels.
James Mounsey, Planning Analyst tells us why he’s taking this opportunity to be a part of the trial.
I’m taking part in the heat pump trial as I saw it as a great opportunity to be a part in British Gas’ journey to move to renewable energy source heating systems. It’s a privilege to be involved in the adoption of these new technologies and not just hear about the progress as it happens elsewhere and of course, to have our current heating system brought up to date is a massive benefit!
The future is greener so it's important we get on board with moving to cleaner energy as these sources will result in a reduction in carbon emissions and the associated contribution to climate change. It also benefits the business by decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels which are finite, whereas renewable sources are not.
The lower carbon emissions generated by Hybrid Heat Pump systems will be instrumental in decarbonising the UK’s central heating market and support our target of reducing customers’ carbon emissions by 25% by 2030. This will also cement our contribution in the UK’s legal obligation to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
We’re trying to take steps at home to improve our carbon footprint and we’re avid users of our smart meters to monitor our energy usage and are currently in the process of replacing bulbs and light fittings with LED equivalents where possible. We currently use Hive products controlled via the app at home which we’re using to ensure we’re not wasting energy.
Hybrid Heat pump systems are cheaper to run than 100% gas central heating systems and reduce the home’s carbon emissions due to its efficient conversion rate of energy to heat so we’re looking forward to cheaper energy bills in the long run!

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