Board and Committee Memberships
Relevant Skills and Experience:
Carol brings extensive advisory experience, especially of advising boards on executive remuneration across a range of sectors, and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Previous Experience:
Carol is a former deputy chair and senior partner of Deloitte LLP. She was a member of the Advisory Group for Spencer Stuart, global partner of Arthur Andersen, managing director of New Bridge Street Consultants and non-executive director of Compass Group PLC and Vivo Energy Plc. She was also a Director and Trustee of Northern Ballet Limited.
External Appointments:
Member of INSEAD’s Corporate Governance Board Council.
Our Non-Executive Directors, through their diverse experience and skills, scrutinise the performance of management and constructively challenge and help develop our strategy. They uphold high standards of integrity and probity. They form the Audit and Risk, Nominations, Remuneration and Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committees.